Vigorous L.L.C. Personal Training Waiver

*Print, fill-out/sign, and bring to your first session, OR we will provide a copy at the arrival of your first session*

All clients must completely sign this waiver and agree to all the following regulations prior to physical participation.

-       I confirm that I have been examined by a doctor, or physician, and cleared to participate in personal training and physical activity.

 -       I authorize the CPR-certified staff of Vigorous to L.L.C. act as guardians to the best of their judgement in an emergency that requires medical attention.

-       I understand that all staff of Vigorous L.L.C. (Isaiah Walter) will not be held liable in situations resulting in injury without due negligence.

 -        I hereby release Vigorous L.L.C. trainers from all claims resulting from an injury I may sustain while using the Equipment, and Facility provided, without due negligence. 

-       I understand that there are no refunds for any missed training sessions without prior communication at least 12 hours prior to the session.

 -       I also confirm that I am fully Vaccinated for Covid-19 (at least 2-shots), and currently do not show any signs, or symptoms of having contracted Covid-19.

Client Name:______________________________________________

 Phone #:_________________________________________________



Please list any possible Medical Conditions, Physical Limitations, or special needs:


Signature:___________________________________                                             Date:_______

~Staff use only~ 

Fee Paid:________                  



Strength training history:


Cardio History:


Injury History:


Current fitness program:


Eating Schedule:


Sleep Schedule: